Get Involved: Contact PTSA President, Hanny Patel if you’re interested in becoming a Core Liaison for your student’s grade or the Core Liaison Committee Chair.
What are the Lincoln Cores?
All Lincoln students are assigned a Core for their current school year. Each grade has its own Cores:
6th Grade – Diamond and Ruby
7th Grade – Quartz and Sapphire
8th Grade – Jade and Onyx
Are teachers assigned to a particular Core?
Yes, each year teaching staff are assigned to a particular Core. So, students in Ruby Core, for example, will typically have classes only with teachers assigned to that Core. To see which teachers are assigned to which Core, see the Staff Directory on the school website.
Why are there Cores?
Cores help to create a smaller environment for students. The teachers within each Core share the same students, allowing the teachers to connect with each other on ways to support the students in their class.
Cores also help students build pride in their collective achievements.
Core Points
Core points are awarded to students for participating in events organized by Lincoln’s Associated Student Body (ASB). ASB activities vary from year to year but always include School Spirit Day events. Rewards are given to the Core with the most points. Rewards vary, but might be, for example, a pizza party or field trip.
Core Activities
Each year, LMS has grade-level activities supported by donations to the Core Fund. Activities include grade-level field trips, celebrations, and specific activities, like:
6th Grade: Camp Lincoln, 6th Grade Breakfast and Student Led Conferences
7th Grade: Attitude of Gratitude Breakfast and Worthwhile Life Interviews
8th Grade: LAMOTH Holocaust Survivors talks, Magic Mountain and end of year activities.
What is the Core Fund?
Donations to the Core Fund help to pay for field trips and other student activities and events. You can donate up to $25 per student. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Thanks for your support!
Get Involved. We need you!
Each Core needs parent volunteers as Core Liaisons, who help to run the Core activities. These activities depend on parents volunteering their support. If you’re interested in becoming a Core Liaison, or the Core Liaison Committee Chair, or finding out more about what’s involved, please contact PTSA President, Hanny Patel.